Would-be MPs are losing the battle against an almighty enemy: themselves...
23 candidates are forced to stand down from MP race – a third of these due to Social Media posts.
Do you think it is appropriate to include Social Media Screening in your pre-employment checks? If not, why not? Neotas believe businesses should, Jonathan Jacobi, Head of Sales, says “We have seen a steady rise in the volume of people being held accountable for their online behaviour. As it becomes second nature to look at our friends, colleagues, customers and suppliers online it has never been more important to check social media profiles for business relevant risks. This is even more of a priority for high profile roles in any industry. As an employer, being “the last one to know” about offensive language / hate crime or illegal activity is potentially a costly and embarrassing place to be, particularly when the solutions available to identify risks are faster and more cost effective than ever.”
We would love to hear from employers who are currently using Social Media checks. What sources are you looking at and how do you use the information? At REED we have been calling for a shared Code or guidance for business on how to conduct social media checks to help protect individuals and businesses when conducting social media screening. Is anyone aware of any such framework?