Adverse media

Drawing from a range of sources, our adverse media checks include traditional media, broadcast media and online media to bring to light any detrimental candidate behaviour otherwise unavailable to you. This includes information around organised crime, financial terrorism, drug trafficking, financial threat, money laundering and much more.

Adverse media is a broad term encompassing any unfavourable information available through widely available public or private content. Whilst typically the focus of an adverse media check is on sources in the traditional news media such as newspapers (online & print) and broadcast news (radio & TV), new media sources such as web content, blogs and unstructured data sources like forums, chat rooms and social media feeds are just as critical data points.

There are numerous and varied risks presented by working with businesses or individuals who have a negative media profile, and employing such a person only magnifies those risks. Being able to identify involvement in organised crime, drug trafficking, fraud, financial coercion, money laundering and terrorism before an individual has entered your business is a significant safeguard from the reputational, legal and commercial jeopardy an organisation might face, particularly in high regulatory environments.